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Report Pollution

Is it an Emergency?

If there is a hazardous material being released or someone is in danger, call 911 immediately instead of filling out this form. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way when encountering pollution and keep a safe distance from any hazardous materials.

What to Look For and Report

Look out for anything but rainwater or snowmelt entering the street, storm drains, or any waterbody. Evidence of polluted runoff could include:

  • An oily sheen on water
  • Discolored water
  • Water with a strange odor
  • Cloudy water
  • Excessive foam

Examples include:

  • Spills from traffic accidents
  • Vehicles leaking large quantities of liquid
  • Dumping wash water, grease, or other materials into an alley, onto the street, or directly into a storm drain
  • Landscaping materials in a road or driveway that are not properly contained
  • A person dumping unknown materials into a storm drain
  • Soil, dirt, or other material spilling out of a construction site onto the street with no protective barrier (sandbags, etc.)
  • Chlorinated swimming pool or spa draining (water must be dechlorinated first)

Know the Rules

Ordinances and state regulations establish methods for controlling pollutants entering the storm drainage system.

Local ordinances are a requirement of the Keep it Clean Partner’s Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permits issued by the State of Colorado.

The objectives of the ordinances are to:

  • Control pollutants to the storm drainage system.
  • Prohibit illegal connections and discharges to the storm drainage system.
  • Establish legal authority to carry out inspections, surveillance, monitoring, and enforcement procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance.
  • Promote public awareness of the hazards of improperly releasing trash, yard waste, lawn chemicals, pet waste, wastewater, grease, oil, petroleum products, cleaning products, paint products, hazardous waste, sediment, and other pollutants into the storm drainage system.

General Prohibitions

  1. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the storm drainage system or water courses any materials other than stormwater.
  2. The construction, use, maintenance, or continued existence of illicit connections to the storm drainage system is prohibited.
  3. It shall be unlawful to cause materials to be deposited in such a manner or location as to constitute a threatened discharge into storm drains, gutters, or waters of the State. Materials that are no longer contained in a pipe, tank, or other container are considered to be threatened discharges unless they are actively being cleaned up.
  4. No person shall maliciously destroy or interfere with structural controls in place to protect water quality.

For more specifics about these requirements, contact the Keep it Clean Partner responsible for the jurisdiction in which you are interested.

Report Stormwater Pollution

Fill out this form in as much detail as you can and we’ll make sure the right staff are notified to respond to this incident. Using this form is preferred and will likely reduce response times, but if you would prefer to contact someone directly you can view a list of contacts at the bottom of this page.

Staff Contacts

Using the form above is preferred in most circumstances, but if you would rather correspond with someone via email or phone please view the drop-down areas below for the proper contacts in each jurisdiction. Please provide as many details as possible regardless of how you proceed.

City of Boulder

Scott Coulson, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager
[email protected]

Natalie Teaze, Water Quality Technician
[email protected]

Kevin Koryto, Stormwater Quality Manager
[email protected]

After Hours: Call City of Boulder Public Works (303-441-3200) or email [email protected].

City of Longmont

Jon Allen, Environmental Regulatory Specialist
[email protected]

Tyler Dell, Stormwater Program Manager
[email protected]

Customer Service Center
Submit a Request

After Hours: Call the Emergency Communications Center (303-651-8501) and send an email to contacts above.

City of Louisville

Annita McCormick, Environmental Compliance Manager
[email protected]

During Office Hours: Call Public Works at 303-335-4608.

After Hours: Call Public Works at 303-489-2301.

City of Lafayette

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Team
[email protected]

Town of Superior

Christine Katz, Public Works and Utilities Civil Engineer

Brannon Richards, Public Works and Utilities Director

Town of Erie

Misty Hall, Stormwater Coordinator
[email protected]

George Hubert, Assistant Operations and Maintenance Manager
[email protected]

Unincorporated Boulder County

During Office Hours: Call 303-441-1564 and leave a detailed message or email [email protected]

After Hours: Call Boulder County Non-Emergency (303-441-4444) to have Boulder County Public Health contacted.

Jennifer Keyes, Stormwater Quality Coordinator
[email protected]

Erin Dodge, Water Quality Program Manager
[email protected]