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Our Watershed Brings Us Together

Launched: Boulder St. Vrain Water Quality Dashboard

In addition to viewing the 2023 Annual Water Quality Report, you can now explore 15+ years of data collected throughout the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed on our brand new water quality dashboard.

From Your Home to the Creek

Common household activities can be sources of pollutants, which are picked up by rain and snow and carried through storm drains into our local creeks without being treated.

Steps stormwater takes from our homes to local waterways. Pollution from cars, pet waste, chemicals, and pesticides around our homes are picked up by rain. This rain enters nearby storm drains, which drain directly into local waterways.

Protect Our Water

  • How can I protect waterways from home?

    Learn what simple steps anyone can take to protect waterways from home.
  • How is water quality in my watershed?

    Understand how water quality is monitored and observed trends in the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed.
  • What issues does my watershed face?

    The Boulder St. Vrain basin generally has good water quality but like other urban areas is impacted by human activities.
  • Why is pet waste bad for water quality?

    Pet waste is not just unsightly, it contains harmful bacteria and parasites and can have serious environmental and health impacts.